Yo Legends!
Nico here..
There's a very good chance I'm about to dive into something that a ton of people are not going to want to read about.
& Why you ask?
I want to talk about ownership.
& ownership of self.
I've been tapping into some amazing developments with some of our on-site clients & Riveroak & to be honest, the energy surrounding these healing's HAS ME EXCITED!
Excited for them.
Excited for growth.
When these beautiful people walked into 125 South Lexington Avenue.. there lives changed.
They felt like they were in a place they could truly embrace WHO THEY ARE. & NOT WHO THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES SAID THEY ARE.
Look, life is fucking rough.
I'm not going to negate that fact at all.
But, what this post is about.....
This world & this life is not here to fuck with you...
It's here to guide you, my friend.
This life is about trial & error.
To be frank..
We are always going to make mistakes.
Don't let those mistakes define you, please.
Let those mistakes be your motivation for specific ways to tweak your CURRENT SITUATION.
If some shits not working, figure out WHY.
Be specific.
Attach goals surrounding the specificity.
The universe is going to give you EXACTLY what the fuck you're putting out there.
For real, For real.
Yes, this entire blog post is about ownership of OUR ACTIONS & THOUGHTS.
Trauma happened, & it's going to continue to. I genuienely hate that pain is involved with development..
but I empathize with you to the fullest.
The healing will happen when we truly realize, the trauma happened.
But, it happened to develop YOUR SOUL.
That SHIT cannot control us.
It either develops us.
Or breaks us.
But you are loved deeply. People care about you deeply.
You have so much life to live & the longer we stick around in our rut, the more time with our wasting loved ones we're truly wasting.
What's your legacy?
What do you want your grandchildren talking about?
Choose. & Quickly.
Time is ticking.
Soo much. To soo many people.
Can't you see that?
No minimizing,
I know this was a lot, but thank you for pressing on & reading through this. We can't suppress this, anymore.
"You know you got shit figured out in life when you realize you don't need to figure it all out." - Jimmy Buffet